COAT (Climate-ecological Observatory for Arctic Tundra, www.coat.no) is an adaptive, ecosystem based, observation system for Arctic tundra in Norway.
The COAT Data Portal hosts ecological and climatic primary monitoring data from COATs monitoring sites in high-arctic (Svalbard) and low-arctic (Varanger) tundra, as well as certain prioritized data from outside these regions. In addition, the COAT Data Portal contains a number of secondary (derived) datasets, termed COAT state variables, which are calculated from primary data originating either from within COAT or requested from other data repositories. The state variables are the primary input to the quantitative analysis and predictive modelling performed in COAT.
Data policy and licenses
In COAT, we aim to publish all research data unless limited by either privacy or license restrictions. This means that the majority of COAT data are distributed under the Creative Commons Public License (CC BY 4.0). Our commitment to data access includes the provision of metadata to enable data users to assess the content and significance of the data they download, as well as codes necessary to produce the summary analyses, tables and plots that in time will be provided on the COAT website.
A detailed description of the Data Portal and COAT's Data Management Policy and procedures can be found in the: Data Management Plan.
coatnor.github.io contains more details about the COAT Data portal and its usage.