Classification of images taken by small mammal cameras on the Varanger peninsula. The dataset contains data on presence or absence of small mammal species (Birds, Voles,... -
Annual metadata of small mammal cameras on the Varanger peninsula. The dataset contains information recorded during the annual camera check, such as the serial number of the... -
Annual metadata of small mammal cameras on the Varanger peninsula, in heath and meadow habitats. The dataset contains information recorded during the annual camera check, such... -
Image metadata of images taken by small mammal cameras on the Varanger peninsula. The dataset contains metadata for each image, such as date and time when the image was taken,... -
Abundance of vascular plants measured using point intercept frequency. The datasets contains point frequency data (which can be converted to biomass estimates) of the following... -
Grubbing is recorded in 30 meters transects and in the vegetation types moss tundra, disturbed moss tundra and dryas ridge. The transects are located in the permanent vegetation...